Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Instructions for Installing BlackBerry Themes Manually

Installing a just downloaded theme to your blackberry device manually with Blackberry Desktop Manager may not be as easy as installing the theme from a .jad file straight from the internet( Over The Air (OTA)method ).

I will be walking you through the stages involve in doing this with just less than 7 steps. All you have to do is download the Zip file or folder containing the theme, either from blackberry world or and follow the rest instruction.

First As a blackberry user I want to assume you already have a blackberry Desktop manager installed on your PC. or you can download a copy for the sake of this brief tutorial.

  1. You can now launch your Blackberry Desktop Manager Software with your blackberry device connceted Via UsB
  2. On the main Menu click the application Loader tab to get started.

  3. The next screen that comes up will show you the ADD/REMOVE APPLICATION area, proceed by clicking the start button. This is because your blackberry regards all themes as app and will install them on command

  4. On clicking the start button, the desktop manager prompts you to select location for the theme you want to install. You should note that the zip folder must be extracted, and the location of the .alx or .ali is where you will navigate to when you click the BROWSE button.

  5. Is now left for your BB DesKtop Manager to run and check for the validity of the chosen file and make it available on the
    Device Application Selection as shown in the picture above
  6. Select the themes you would like to install from the list shown. Did you notice the Action column? Make sure you check for install as the action to take before proceeding to the next step. To proceed to the next step. Do click Next Button.
  7. Remember I told you, Blackberry Recognizes themes as Apps. After clicking next the message that reads on the next screen will read:

    The following applications will be added or updated on your device.

  8. Click the FINISH BUTTON to start Theme installation immediately. At this point you should not disconnect or do any thing to interrupt the task in progress.
  9. After that you will get a message that will tell you whether it was successful or not. If you followed the steps above carefully then sure it you will get this message:
    The loading operation was successful

Now you are done and go for the theme on your device and select your newly installed theme.

You May Also Like:

  • How to Use your Blackberry As a MODEM
  • How to Create and customize a Blackberry theme
  • cheers!!!

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