Thursday, September 29, 2011

Theme Blackberry Osicon Sliding For 8520

Theme Blackberry Osicon Sliding For 8520Download OfflineSource:

Game Caro v1.1.2 For BBM Blackberry

Game Caro for Blackberry lagi booming-boomingnya saat ini, permainan simpel yang sangat mudah dimainkan. Permainan ini sering dimainkan pas ane dulu masih Sekolah, kalo dulu sih di mainkan di kertas kotak-kotak. Sekarang pada pengguna blackberry bisa memainkan langsung game ini secara online dan lawanya bisa langsung dari contact BBM kita. Berikut tampilanyaDownload Offline

Theme Blackberry iLike BBT design 8520, 95xx Storm 1 & 2

Theme Blackberry iLike BBT design 8520, 95xx Storm 1 & 2  Features:[NEW] Embossed banner font!User-defineable font.Custom Call and Lock screens.Highest quality graphics.Hideable icons, icon names and Today panel.Unique never before seen animations on the Home screen.Set unique wallpapers for Lock and Home screens.Immersive experience - even Message icons are skinned.Options Panel - click the

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Format Factory Version 2.70 + Tutorial Untuk Mengubah Format Video Menjadi MP4

Tutorial ini berguna bagi agan-agan yang pengen nonton video di BB atau di ponsel agan tapi file video yang agan miliki tidak support di putar di player handset agan. Aplikasi yang digunakan untuk convert videonya adalah Format Factory, aplikasinya simple untuk digunakan. Sekilas tentang format factory:Format Factory is a multifunctional media converter. Provides functions below:All to MP4/3GP/

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Theme Blackberry HedoneDesign OS7Like for 8520

Theme Blackberry HedoneDesign OS7Like for 8520. Minimum OS 5.0. Be careful when choosing, you choose one you would like to get! Subsequent claims can not be taken into account! Also check screenshots first and then select the theme you want! Screenshots can be found in Theme Store. You MUST have a data plan/internet access on your BlackBerry in order to install themes. 5.0 OS version themes will

Theme Blackberry Tribal

Theme Blackberry Tribal For: 85xx / 9300 / 9000 / 8900 / 96xx / 9700 Download OTA 85xx / 9300 – OS5 / 96xx / 9700 – OS5

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

FileScout Full + Serial

Sebelumnya sdh saya posting tentang FileScout Full Version sekarang saya posting versi lainya yaitu FileScout, tidak jauh beda sama versi sebelumnya, untuk detail fitur dari filescout full version bisa agan lihat di siniDownload Offline

vnbbOTA OTA Downloader

Apabila agan pengguna paket gaul alias gaulers mungkin anda akan kesulitan melakukan download aplikasi OTA karena paket gaul tidak medukung untuk akses browser. Sekarang anda tidak perlu bingung, apabila agan menemukan link aplikasi OTA dan agan ingin download aplikasi tersebut maka agan bisa menggunakan aplikasi vnbbOTA OTA Downloader. Contoh : agan ingin download aplikasi Screen Muncher dan di

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Theme Blackberry HiTech Blue Pentagon (OS5 & OS6)

Theme Blackberry HiTech Blue Pentagon (OS5 & OS6) The homescreen features:2 (non touch)/1 (touch) Weather slots or another important application that you want to access every time.9 customizable icons (according to menu order)Direct access from your homescreen to Messages, Browser, Profiles, Network.Wallpaper isn’t customizable. The theme runs smoothly on every blackberry model.Download OTA8520/

BerryBuzz V2 For Blackberry

Hey guys/gals, its JReel, this is my first ever app review, on the Berry Buzz. This app lets you change the LED colors on the Email, Pin messages, SMS, Calendar Alerts, missed calls and incoming calls. The LED colors range from all sorts of colors, and included a brighter feature so you can choose if you want the bright or regular setting. Instead of seeing the RED LED flash all the time, this

BlackBerry AppWorld v3.0.0.73 OFFICIAL FOR OS 5.0-7.0

The BlackBerry App World 3.0 storefront makes discovering and downloading apps, games, and themes easier than ever. Users can personalize their BlackBerry smartphone, find the hottest games and entertainment and get apps to stay connected with the people who matter. This latest App World release includes the following new features:Sleek New Design - The BlackBerry App World experience has been

SMS Blocker (Text Blocker) - Block Unwanted Text Messasge (SMS)

SMS Blocker is the 1st application that fully supports Text (SMS) Blocking on BlackBerry® device. SMS Blocker is a useful application that helps you to BLOCK any unwanted incoming Text Messages (SMS) that you want to reject. More Features:SMS Blocker is available to allow you to define the numbers to block. Block any SMS made from individual or malicious people, robot or automated system,

TuneWiki Music Player With Lyric For Blackberry

Aplikasi TuneWiki cocok bagi para pecinta musik. Kelebihan aplikasi tunewiki antara lain:Memutar musik berikut beserta lyricnya.Mencari lyric secara manual.Memutar video via youtube beserta lyricnya.Pengganti aplikasi musik bila qt bosan dgn tampilan musik bawaan dr hh.Tidak merubah status bbm qt ketika sedang mendengar musik.Update status musik yg qt dengar langsung ke twitter &

Theme iLike Update v1.1 (8900/96xx/9700 OS5)

Theme iLike Update v1.1 (8900/96xx/9700 OS5) Features:[NEW] Embossed banner font!User-defineable font.Custom Call and Lock screens.Highest quality graphics.Hideable icons, icon names and Today panel.Unique never before seen animations on the Home screen.Set unique wallpapers for Lock and Home screens.Immersive experience - even Message icons are skinned.Options Panel - click the settings cog icon

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Theme Blackberry Extreme Great by Jhalmar

Theme Blackberry Extreme Great by Jhalmar For Blackberry 83xx/85xx/93xx OS5 | 89xx/96xx/97xx OS5 | 9000 OS5 | 95xx OS5 | 91xx/9670 OS6 | 93xx OS6 9650/9700/9780 OS6 | 9800 Download OTA83xx/85xx/93xx OS589xx/96xx/97xx OS59000 OS595xx OS591xx/9670 OS693xx OS69650/9700/9780 OS69800Source:

Themes Blackberry HTC Books 7 by Jhalmar

Themes Blackberry HTC Books 7 by Jhalmar For Blackberry 83xx/85xx/93xx OS5 | 89xx/96xx/97xx OS5 | 9000 OS5 | 95xx OS5 | 91xx/9670 OS6 | 93xx OS6 9650/9700/9780 OS6 | 9800Download OTA: 83xx/85xx/93xx OS589xx/96xx/97xx OS59000 OS595xx OS591xx/9670 OS693xx OS69650/9700/9780 OS69800Source:

Font Collection V2.8 For Blackberry

Buat yang bosen dengan font default bawaan dari blackberry, sekarang bisa install font tambahan yang keren-keren. Font Collection V2.8 menyediakan berbagai macam font yang tidak tersedia di Blakcberry agan. Penampakanya kayak di bawah ini gan:  Download OTA: Download Offline:Source: Kaskus